Home // History // Trail of Souls at Middleham and St. Peters: Uncovering the History of Slavery in Southern Calvert County

Trail of Souls at Middleham and St. Peters: Uncovering the History of Slavery in Southern Calvert County



This is a 17-page paper on slavery in Southern Calvert, with details about the will of Rev. Cook and his four enslaved. It also includes stories regarding crimes and case studies of slaves escaping from Middleham enslavers during the War of 1812.  The will above is that of the Reverend George Cook.  For the paper, go to _trail-of-souls-full-story.pdf (faithconnector.s3.amazonaws.com)

Planning Your Visit

The chapel grounds and the cemetery are open and available to visit any time.  There is a trail marker in front of the chapel.  To go inside the chapel, contact the church office at 410-326-4948.

County: Calvert County
Themes: African American People and Culture, Diversity in Southern Maryland, Rural Life in Southern Maryland
Timeframes: 1763 – 1783 The Revolutionary Era, 1783 – 1800 Founding a New Nation, 1800 – 1828 The Early Nationalist Period, 1828 – 1860 Antebellum America
Audience: College, General Public, High School, Middle School


Type of Entry: Individual Resource
County: Calvert County
Themes: African American People and Culture, Diversity in Southern Maryland, Rural Life in Southern Maryland
Timeframes: 1763 – 1783 The Revolutionary Era, 1783 – 1800 Founding a New Nation, 1800 – 1828 The Early Nationalist Period, 1828 – 1860 Antebellum America
Audience: College, General Public, High School, Middle School

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