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| Portraits and materials from the Gantt family.
| Remarkable oral histories revealing life for African American in Calvert County.
| Remarkable oral histories bring to life what life was like for African Americans in Calvert County.
Places to Experience History
| This facility has over 10 million artifacts dating the full span of human history.
| An opportunity for members of the public to work alongside archaeologists on an excavation
| The library contains over 15,000 titles that relate to all aspects of Maryland’s history, archaeology, economy and agriculture
| Archaeological artifacts from across the state of Maryland, with detailed panels on a pre-contact period site (and its environment) and on the Sukeek’s Cabin
| Sukeek's Cabin contains foundation ruins of home occupied in late 19th and early 20th centuries by several generations of a Black family.
Notable People History Photo Gallery
| Mathias de Sousa was the first man of African descent to participate in the Maryland Assembly of Freeman.
Notable People History Photo Gallery
| Eliza Dent, as cook for the Flag Ponds Fishery, she was an essential aspect of the fishing business and the community.

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