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| Sukeek's Cabin contains foundation ruins of home occupied in late 19th and early 20th centuries by several generations of a Black family.
Notable People History Photo Gallery
| Mathias de Sousa was the first man of African descent to participate in the Maryland Assembly of Freeman.
Notable People History Photo Gallery
| Eliza Dent, as cook for the Flag Ponds Fishery, she was an essential aspect of the fishing business and the community.
Notable People History
| Principals Victor and Constance Daniel brought new ideas regarding education for the emancipated African American to the Cardinal Gibbons Institute.
History Notable People
| Rev. Nathaniel Monroe Carroll was born enslaved in Calvert County. Later he founded the first home for the aged.
Notable People History
| John Cajay worked for the Freedman's Bureau developing schools and community during Reconstruction. His Knights of St. Jerome dedication speech is remembered.
Places to Experience History
| St. Mary's County Historical Society is located in Tudor Hall in Leonardtown. Their resources are available at the Historical Society's Research Center, through publications
Places to Experience History Photo Gallery
| St. Mary's College of Maryland is located next to Historic St. Mary's City and shares the heritage of the region. It acknowledges that heritage,
Places to Experience History Photo Gallery
| Historic Sotterley is a treasure. with a manor house, a slave cabin and 18 other buildings. More than just buildings and a beautiful setting,
Places to Experience History
| Middleham Chapel and the cemetery are over 335 years old. The bell in the chapel was installed in 1699. The cemetery includes graves from

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