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| A collection of books and materials on the Indigenous people of Southern Maryland
| Church registers are often a source of information regarding the treatment of the enslaved.
| Oral histories are available at Calvert Co. Historical Society online.
| The Society has books available including those listed.
| Albert Cassell noted architect and his plan for Calvert Town
| The Society has runaway slave ads, census slave schedules, Colored troops information
Notable People History Photo Gallery
| Captain Edith (Edie) Taylor a licensed female charter boat captain since 1979.
Notable People History
| Tamika Tremaglio, native from St. Mary's County is the former executive director of the National Basketball Players Association.
Notable People History Photo Gallery
| Leroy J. Thompson Sr. was a lifelong entrepreneur, natural leader and civil rights activist.
Notable People History
| John Thompson's first memory of enslavement was at six years old when he and his mother visited his sister held in a pen at

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