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Notable People History Photo Gallery
| Theodore Newkirk was a key player in the desegregation of St. Mary’s County Schools and the fight against workplace discrimination at the Patuxent River
| Calvert County has an extensive set of oral histories.
Notable People History
| Grace Munroe trusted the British so her family could live free in Canada.
| Calvert County historic structures.
| Calvert County maps from the colonial period through today.
| Calvert County Historic Preservation has a substantial collection of images and photographs.
| Historic properties owned by African American and Indigenous persons.
Notable People History Photo Gallery
| Enolia Pettie McMillan was an educator, civil rights activist, community leader and the first female national president of the NAACP.
Notable People History
| April 12, 1666, three representatives from different Indigenous nations delivered speeches to the Upper House of the General Assembly of the colony of Maryland.
Notable People History
| Mark Caesar and William Wheeler - why days following July 4th would a Charles County freeman lead enslaved people in a flight to freedom?

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