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Calvert Historical Society: Oral Histories


The Historical Society partnered with the Calvert County branch of the NAACP and Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum on a project to preserve the oral histories of African Americans in Calvert County.  Several African Americans were interviewed. A substantial amount of invaluable history was captured via a licensed videographer. Each interview can be found on the Calvert County Historical Society’s website.

See: calverthistory.org

Planning Your Visit

Oral histories are online at calverthistory.org

Days and hours of operation:  Tuesday – Thursday, 10 am – 3 pm


70 Church Street

Prince Frederick, MD  2067

Website:  calverthistory.org

Phone: 410-535-2452

County: Calvert County
Themes: African American People and Culture
Timeframes: 1800 – 1828 The Early Nationalist Period, 1828 – 1860 Antebellum America, 1860 – 1877 The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1877 – 1896 The Gilded Age, 1896 – 1916 The Progressive Era, 1917 – 1929 WWI and the Roaring Twenties, 1929 – 1940 The Great Depression, 1940 – 1952 World War II and the Early Cold War, 1950’s, 1960’s, 1970’s, 1980’s, 1990’s, 2000 – 2024 21st Century America
Audience: College, General Public, High School, Middle School, Teacher


Type of Entry: Individual Resource
County: Calvert County
Themes: African American People and Culture
Timeframes: 1800 – 1828 The Early Nationalist Period, 1828 – 1860 Antebellum America, 1860 – 1877 The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1877 – 1896 The Gilded Age, 1896 – 1916 The Progressive Era, 1917 – 1929 WWI and the Roaring Twenties, 1929 – 1940 The Great Depression, 1940 – 1952 World War II and the Early Cold War, 1950’s, 1960’s, 1970’s, 1980’s, 1990’s, 2000 – 2024 21st Century America
Audience: College, General Public, High School, Middle School, Teacher

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