Home // Places to Experience // Village of Pomonkey/Pomonkey Historic District

Village of Pomonkey/Pomonkey Historic District

Places to Experience History
The Village of Pomonkey



The Pomonkey Historic District is significant as an early-to-mid-twentieth-century crossroads community that encompasses commercial, religious, social, and institutional resources in this rural Charles County community. Historically, many of the businesses and institutions within the historic district have been or are associated with the African American residents that populated this crossroads of the Pomonkey region beginning in the late nineteenth century during the postbellum years.

Pomonkey has functioned as a commercial, educational, social, and religious center in the community for over 100 years. The district is notable as a historically African American commercial enclave, which served the community during the early twentieth century when many local institutions and commercial establishments were segregated. The early schools in the area were segregated, as well, and served the county’s African American students into the late twentieth century. The district is composed of three educational buildings, a church and associated cemetery, two commercial buildings, two social halls, and a funeral home. There also are three residences in the district, which are included because of their association with one of the institutions—church, store, and funeral home.

Additional Resources

YouTube presentation, the Village of Pomonkey


Maryland Inventory of Historic Places survey form: https://apps.mht.maryland.gov/medusa/PDF/Charles/CH-1021.pdf

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Access Information

No special access requirements

County: Charles County
Themes: African American People and Culture, Diversity in Southern Maryland, Rural Life in Southern Maryland
Timeframes: 1828 – 1860 Antebellum America, 1917 – 1929 WWI and the Roaring Twenties, 1929 – 1940 The Great Depression, 1940 – 1952 World War II and the Early Cold War, 1950’s, 1960’s
Audience: College, General Public, High School, Middle School, Teacher


Type of Entry: Place To Experience
County: Charles County
Themes: African American People and Culture, Diversity in Southern Maryland, Rural Life in Southern Maryland
Timeframes: 1828 – 1860 Antebellum America, 1917 – 1929 WWI and the Roaring Twenties, 1929 – 1940 The Great Depression, 1940 – 1952 World War II and the Early Cold War, 1950’s, 1960’s
Audience: College, General Public, High School, Middle School, Teacher

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