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Search Results

The search results are drawn from the organizations that contain significant history resources, and the categories including places to experience, notable people and the timeline. All can be searched by keyword, time, theme, type, counties and audience. The search filters were developed with the school systems to align with State social studies requirements. 

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| Abraham Butler of Port Tobacco filed a successful suit for his freedom.
| Piscataway and other tribes defeated at the Battle of Fallen Timbers, Ohio.
| During the British occupation of Southern Maryland many enslaved men joined the British forces in hope of gaining their freedom.
| In 1831 there was a plan to send 10,000 free and enslaved Blacks to the Republic of Maryland in Africa
| After the July incident, slaveholders were terrified so created a special militia.
| The Freedmen’s Bureau helped establish schools for Black children to protect them from postwar violence and abusive labor practices.
| The St. Mary’s County Chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was approved by the national organization in 1946.
| A lawsuit was brought against St. Mary’s County by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) on behalf of 66 Black
| In 1958 the three counties of Southern Maryland formed a regional library association.
| Marriage between African Americans or Asians and whites was no longer considered a crime punishable by imprisonment.

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