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Search Results

The search results are drawn from the organizations that contain significant history resources, and the categories including places to experience, notable people and the timeline. All can be searched by keyword, time, theme, type, counties and audience. The search filters were developed with the school systems to align with State social studies requirements. 

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Notable People History Photo Gallery
| Sergeant Charles Henry Brown's desire to be free took him from enslaved, to runaway, to a Civil War Colored Troops hero and an activist.
Places to Experience History
| The Calvert Marine Museum offers a wide range of information about the English settlers in the Colonial period that grew tobacco and shipped it
Places to Experience
| Calvert Library's mission is to serve as a gateway to information, imagination and inspiration. We empower individuals by facilitating lifelong learning and strengthen our
Places to Experience History
| Our collection includes a library offering more than 3,000 titles of published and unpublished materials on local, regional, and family history. Our archives contain
Places to Experience
| The Bayside History Museum educates the public and visitors about the natural and cultural history of North Beach, Chesapeake Beach, and surrounding beach communities
Places to Experience
| The Accokeek Foundation is a non-profit organization that works to preserve and promote the cultural and natural heritage of Piscataway Park and the Piscataway
Notable People History Photo Gallery
| LeRoy Battle is a recognized and honored educator, jazz musician, composer, civil Rights pioneer, Tuskegee Airman and author.
Notable People History Photo Gallery
| George Washington Barnes enslaved at Sotterley, joined the Union Army Colored Troops. Fighting valiantly in Virgina, he encountered an ironic twist of fate.
Notable People History
| Antonio's story, an enslaved African, illustrates the history of enslavement in the first century of colonial Southern Maryland.
Notable People History
| Two generations of Barbers lived, worked and raised their families on Sotterley Plantation during the 20th century.

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